Friday, 23 June 2023


 Roads in 1950s Germany

When looking at German layouts, I do wonder just how much research has been done by the creator of the layout, especially those few who attempt to model any period prior to the '60s. The neat rural roads, perfectly maintained bear almost no resemblence to reality as few, unless exceptionally old, can either remember prior to the '60s or have made an attempt to simply look at images of any road except the autobahn. The reality was grim, little wonder that ground movement beyond the autobahn was mostly by train with heavy goods by barge.

Work on a water-bound macadam road in the 1950s near Wörnitz The horse-drawn wagon waters the road before the top layer is compacted with the help of the steam roller. This process, which was common until the 1970s, was replaced late from asphalt road construction.

 The severe frost damage on a federal road in the 1950s in the Brand area, about 5 km north of Gunzenhausen (current federal road 466) are clearly visible. The increasing burden on roads occurred again and again, especially in the winter months, there have been road shots. Geteeren or federal roads with a tear-bearing surface protection layer still had an exceptional character in post-war Germany for a long time.
Model roads
The roads are nominally 60mm wide pieces of picture mounting card covered with a base layer of Heki textured concrete road paint and a second layer of a diluted coat of Johnstone's China Clay emulsion with chincilla dust as additional texture. The dust is fixed with dilute PVA glue. 

This is an example of AK Interactive 8021 Light Earth, dabbed on with a stiff stencil brush.

A few examples of a road vehicle of the period, none are particularly large. 

A road crossing the ST2191 at Sachsenmühle near Gößweinstein en route from Behringersmühle

280 009 crosses the road 23.05.76 
Foto: Moser

1 comment:

  1. Hi, the street the 280 009 crossed is not the B470 - this street follows the River Wiesent to Behringersmühle. It is the (actual Name) ST2191 from Sachsenmühle (name of the settlement you see) to Gößweinstein uphill


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