Friday, 21 February 2025

The farm and cottage

The small farm comprises of 95,5 hectares of land, a low house and a small yard separated by a railway line.

The farm buildings include a Wills SS30 barn kit that has been improved with a layer of Polyfilla fine surface render.
Just a couple of scenes in the farmyard, the farm is a tiny dairy unit, just three working buildings around a courtyard.


The 'futtersilo' a must-have on any farm from Epoch 2 onwards but this is the actual reason why there is a silo

Hunting for Frogs

The earth cellar. 

Whilst looking around an old farm we found an odd feature found beside the farmhouse, it was a small stone hut built into the side of the hill. It was the entrance to a cold store or 'Erdkeller' for the 18th century farm, although farmhouse had a basement it also had a separate earth cellar. 

In terms of room height and shape, it penetrates far less deeply into the ground, only two steps lead down to the brick entrance. The quarry stone vault of the cellar is also completely covered with soil and potatoes are stored here over the winter - dark, cool, but frost-free.

There were a couple of other similar garden cellars in the village, one was not built into the side of a hill, instead merely cut into the farm garden and covered with the displaced soil. 

The cottage

On the layout there is a small cottage for the farmworker, it has a couple of fruit trees, vegetable garden and chicken coop.

Although unfinished, the result will be acceptable

I remember that in my childhood, chickens (and other domestic birds) were bustling around in every village. The owners of the poultry seemed to have no concern for their safety at all. A constant image was the birds taking carelessly walks along the road running through the village buildings. And this sometimes ended in a tragic accident under the wheels of a car


Maybe a new cottage?

Busch are offering a new kit based on the standard EW 65 design, designed by the well-known GDR architect Wilfried Stallknecht. Originally designed by the VEB Kombinat Bau Meiningen, many of them still exist. Cost - about €50

However, Faller offers a very similar building that is almost identical and would easily replace my existing small detached house from Faller. It costs about €20.

The Faller 130223 kit has arrived, the shell of the kit has been painted with Heki textured concrete paint, the wooden parts have been sprayed light brown and the roof is terracotta red. A different set of windows from Faller 130222 has been used as they seem to be more typical.

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