Capturing the look of the DDR
Trying to capture the 'feel' of the post war DR is a bit of problem, this first image of a rather simple station building in the former DDR, is full of small details, it inspired the model scene of the ticket collector's booth.
Twenty years later and trying to capture the same atmosphere that the old layout had in spades. The trick was the choice of depressingly dire colours, greys, greens and browns. There are no bright tones other than the Simson Schwalbe in bright yellow and the green of the vegetation, intentionally contrasting the building.
Something small
The buffer stop is Peco rail built put together with UHU clear glue and painted with ultra cheap artists burnt sienna from The Range. The wooden beam is two layers of McDonalds coffee stir stick washed with the same diluted burnt sienna and a layer of white once dry. The green bits are 9mm static grass, the weeds are bits of stiff brush bristles dipped in 2mm static grass, all the flowers are blobs of emulsion sample pots.
Road Vehicles
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